Cool Central "Cool Site of the Day" awarded to CLUB VELVET 22 August 1997 |
Antlerville "The Golden Buck" for excellence in web pointiness awarded to CLUB VELVET 1 April 1997 |
Home PC Magazine "Best of the Web" awarded to CLUB VELVET 16 December 1996 |
The Net Magazine Blue Pages "Net Rave" Rating: 17 out of possible 18 awarded to CLUB VELVET June 1997 |
The Web Magazine "Where to Go" Rating: 4 out of possible 5 awarded to CLUB VELVET August 1997 |
Chankstore "Badge of Infringement" awarded to CLUB VELVET 17 June 1997 |
Cool Central "Cool Site of the Hour" awarded to CLUB VELVET 12 February 1997 |
Fucker Dot Com "Fuckin' Hilarious" awarded to CLUB VELVET 5 September 1997 | "Endless Summer Award" for total excellence in preserving the beach lifestyle awarded to CLUB VELVET 25 June 1998 |
Musicosm "Cosmic Clix Award" most entertaining: lounge genre awarded to CLUB VELVET 9 July 1998 |
Netscape Whats Cool " Never has Minneapolis been so much more than velour" Rating: 8 out of possible 10 awarded to CLUB VELVET 11 August 1998 | "Approved by El Guano" awarded to CLUB VELVET 23 February 2000 |